a stunt. It was totally weird!"


"Well, you continued doing it, and now, look at you! You're living in Bob's house. . .AS HIS WIFE! HELL, YOU'RE EVEN SLEEPING IN HIS BED!" Ted spat in an accusing voice.

"It's not as it appears," I gasped.

"The hell it isn't!" Ted stated. "I saw your nipples this morning, and I know what causes those marks! I've made them myself on dozens of girls. You and Bob made it last night. DIDN'T YOU?"

I was caught. "I had too much to drink," I sighed. "He made love to you like a woman, didn't he?" Ted pressed. "You are taking IT like a woman!"

"Me?" I stammered.

"Well, he won't get me! He's got until the first of the year to get that promotion, then I'm gone. He won't make a pervert out of me like he has you!" Ted shouted and stomped out of the kitchen.

I started to shake. Was Ted right? Was I a pervert? Had Bob made me into his woman? It can't be! I'm still Bill Lamb!

My reflection in the hall mirror mesmerized me. The image was of a woman, Karen Reynolds. My hair, ears, face, breasts...my whole body said 'WOMAN'!

The physical changes were reversible. My body had been molded into the form of a woman, and it could be remolded back to its original form! "Yes! I still can return to being a man!" I thought.

Then, I realized something more fundamental than bodily changes had occurred. I now thought of myself as a woman most of the time! I buried my face in my hands and cried with the realization that I wanted to remain a woman. Last night had awakened something in me. The thought that making love with Bob might only be a one time affair made me ache. I wanted it to happen again and again! Ted was right. I was a woman. I was Bob's woman!

Bob returned home around noon and quickly realized something was wrong when he found me in the kitchen with tears streaming down my cheeks. When I told him what happened, his face clouded over, and he thundered, "It's time I had a talk with our daughter!"

I followed Bob to Ted's bedroom and found him sitting at his vanity staring at his reflection in the mirror with an angry look in his eyes. "We need to talk, young lady," Bob boomed.


SANDY THOMAS ADVERTISING -25 "About how you boffed my father last night?" Ted sneered.

"Barbie!" Bob roared. "You are not to raise your voice to me or your mother again! Do you understand, young lady?" "Lay off the Barbie and the young lady stuff! He is my father, not my mother, and this girl stuff is a bunch of bull, so don't try to boss me around!"

Bob's face turned a deep red, and he spat, "The woman standing next to me is my wife, and you are my DAUGHTER! Furthermore, what we do in our bedroom is none of your business!"

"That's bull Shit!" Ted stood and sneered. "You can call it what you want, but it's perverted as far as I'm concerned!" Bob is a big guy, but he moved faster than either Ted or I could respond. Crossing the few feet separating them, he grabbed Ted around the waist, lifted him in his arms, and roughly placed him across his lap. "I won't take that crap from a child of mine," he hissed. "You're a spoiled brat who needs a good spanking!"

"You can't do this to me! I was trained for special hand to hand combat in the army!" Ted gasped as Bob flipped his skirt and slip back to reveal his silky panties. With all his strength, Ted struggled to free himself while swearing a blue streak.

Despite Ted's best efforts, Bob held firm, and with a loud 'smack!' His calloused hand landed squarely on Ted's exposed panties.

"You can't. .!" Ted sputtered as a deep flush spread across his face and neck as the painful blows descended one after another. Smack! SWACK! smack!

I was speechless at this turn of events as I stood near a window and watched my grown son being spanked like a child.

Ted did everything he could to not give into the pain. He wanted to take his punishment like a man, but after few swats, he cried out for Bob to stop. Despite Ted's tearful pleas, Bob continued his task. 'SWACK!' 'SWACK!' 'SWACK!'

"Stop! Please Stop!" Ted cried out as tears flowed down his cheeks. 'SWACK!' 'SWACK!' 'SWACK!' The blows rained down on his exposed panties. I was awe struck to see my full grown son crying like a little girl.

When Bob stopped, Ted was a quivering, blubbering hulk. Ted stood up and massaged his burning posterior with both hands. Then he quickly lowered his slip and skirt to hide his embarrassingly inflamed nylon covered rear.